Nutrition Counselling for Pets

Nutrition counselling offers recommendations on how to meet your dog or cat’s dietary needs.

At least once a year, a veterinarian should examine your feline or canine’s diet to ensure it is truly benefiting them. Nutrition is the driving force behind your cat or dog’s growth and can even be used as medication for certain ailments.

Why is nutrition counselling necessary for dogs and cats?

These veterinary visits are necessary because food is an important part of pet care. Shopping for cat or dog food can seem easy if you’re looking at the cost and buying based on how much your companion enjoys it. While taste is important, nutrition should be your main priority. The types of food your loyal companion eats can encourage their development and prevent diseases like obesity, arthritis, diabetes, or kidney problems. A trained veterinarian can recommend healthy foods and even create a medical diet for your feline or canine companion. Personalized nutrition is important because all cats and dogs have different needs and should be treated individually.

What happens during a nutrition consultation?

During this appointment, the veterinarian will examine the patient’s diet and how it relates to their health and growth. The veterinarian can assess your loyal companion's diet-related issues, such as deficiencies, skin problems, or weight concerns, through a physical examination. You should be prepared to answer questions about the foods they eat, their eating habits, etc. This is a great time to mention any allergic reactions you’ve noticed, ask which human foods are safe to share with your cat or dog, and how to shop for nutritious foods. Based on your feline or canine’s age, health status, or breed, the veterinarian will suggest a diet that would work best for them.

What should I feed my kitten/puppy?

Because they are at an early stage of their life, puppies and kittens need food that will enhance their growth and development. Since they haven’t built up immunity to different diseases/infections, it’s beneficial to have food that sustains their well-being. Puppies and kittens should have proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and more as part of their diet. It’s very rare that commercially made products will meet your growing pet’s specific nutritional needs. We carry many nutritionally balanced veterinary-approved brands in our clinic - be sure to ask our team! To discuss any nutrition concerns you have about your cat or dog, please call us at 905-332-4014.

Why do senior cats or dogs need special nutrition?

Special nutrition is necessary for senior felines and canines because they have a higher chance of developing age-related illnesses. With proper nutrition, you can manage known illnesses or prevent them to increase your loyal companion’s lifespan. Having a good amount of nutrients can delay the progression of certain diseases like arthritis and kidney disease. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before you purchase food for your senior pet.

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