Vaccines for Kittens & Cats

Ensure a long and healthy life for your kitten or cat through timely vaccination.

Getting your kitten or cat vaccinated is one of the first forms of preventive care you can provide for them and your family. Vaccines will protect your loyal companion from contracting diseases, especially when their maternal antibodies wear off. With the wide range of vaccines available, it is absolutely necessary that your cat or kitten gets only the vaccines they really need. Consult with our veterinarians today to learn which vaccines are suitable for your cat. Please call us at 905-332-4014.

When should my kitten/cat be vaccinated?

It’s best that kittens have their first vaccines when they are between 6 to 8 weeks old. To build up an effective level of immunity, different doses are given every 4 weeks until they are 16 weeks old. Adult cats are vaccinated every 1 to 3 years once they complete the kitten series.

How can I keep up with my kitten/cat vaccination schedule?

An easy way to ensure your kitten or cat doesn’t miss a vaccine dose is to enroll them in one of our Preventive Plans. When your feline companion is due for a vaccine, we will send reminders to make sure you don’t miss the appointment. Our preventive plans also include other essential services and discounts to ensure your loyal companion gets the best healthcare.

What vaccines will be given to my cat?

Your feline companion’s vaccine requirement may be different from another cat’s. Some vaccines are mandated by law because they protect your kitten/cat from deadly diseases. Our veterinarian may recommend additional vaccines based on your cat’s lifestyle and environment. Here are some vaccines your cat may need:

  1. Rabies
  2. Feline Leukemia
  3. Feline calicivirus
  4. Feline panleukopenia
  5. Feline viral rhinotracheitis
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