Weight Management for Pets

A weight management program designed to support underweight, overweight, or obese cats and dogs.

Weight is always a sensitive topic, but at our hospital, we’ve created a judgment-free environment where we can work together to get your cat or dog to their ideal weight. The risks associated with obesity and being overweight are serious. Weight management will help your pet reach their ideal size so they can enjoy more healthy and happy days with you.

How do I know if my cat or dog is overweight?

Certain breeds and species will carry their weight differently, so it may not be easy to identify. To be certain, have your veterinarian examine them. Based on their age, breed, health status, and lifestyle, our veterinarian can determine what is a healthy weight for your feline or canine companion.

What health issues are associated with a dog or cat being overweight?

Excessive weight or obesity is detrimental to the health of your cat or dog as it strains their organs and increases the risk of severe diseases. Here are some health problems commonly seen in overweight cats and dogs:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Arthritis
  3. Heart disease
  4. Urinary bladder disease
  5. Diabetes
  6. Cancer

To discuss a weight management plan for your pet, please contact us at 905-332-4014.

What will weight management include for dogs and cats?

While it's crucial to shed excess weight, it's of utmost importance to ensure that weight management is conducted in a healthy manner. It is imperative to seek guidance from a veterinarian before initiating any weight loss efforts for your cat or dog. Your veterinarian may recommend the following lifestyle and dietary changes:

  • Setting meal times so food isn’t always available
  • Reducing treats
  • Adding daily exercises to their routine
  • Using dietary foods, some of which are stocked at our in-house pharmacy and online store
  • Following the daily caloric requirements
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